Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Yes, we take requests: Small Spaces

We've received a request to document the "use of small spaces." As many of you know, space is at a premium, especially in cities. This leads to creative use of small spaces, especially outside the house. Here are some of our favorites: home, commercial and construction.

(1) If you take a train in Japan (which is generally inevitable!), you often pass by expansive rice fields in rural areas. Not having the space to add a rice field in the front yard, this creative person planted rice outside in small planters.
(2) This shop owner in the Yamate area created a Godzilla scene in the nook above his store. There are also several fish tanks, and Okinawan fishing ball, and other decorations hanging around the entryway.

(3) This construction site illustrates how the machinery (even though it already is teeny) is often as big as the plot of land itself.

If you have any other requests, just send them along!

We will be heading to S. Korea tomorrow for a few days, so there may be a lag in blog posting.